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Küstrin-Kietz Rail Crossing

German/Polish border

Küstrin-Kietz Rail Crossing

German/Polish border


DB Infra Go


2015 - 2024

Design Team

Knight Architects, Schüßler-Plan Berlin, sbp


Wilfried Dechau

Designing connections; strengthening friendships

The new rail crossing contributes to the pan-European network by providing a vital link across the Polish-German border in Kostyrzyn/Küstrin. Won following a two-stage international competition, the major bridge is the central part of the Berlin-Kostrzyn-Gorzów railway modernisation programme.

The crossing revives the once famous Berlin-Königsberg-Eydtkuhnen rail line, breathing new life to an important pre-Cold-War trade corridor. The 266m-long main crossing replaces a derelict, pre-WW2 single-track truss with a distinctive 130m network arch spanning the River Odra. The steel structure, with its crown positioned above the demarcation line of the border, is a landmark that highlights the importance of the location, and welcomes travellers between the two countries. The less dramatic, but equally important, 176m Odervorflut-bridge crosses a flood-relief canal 500m west of the main crossing. It uses similar architectural features as the main bridge, unifying both into a family of slender and elegant structures. The 1.3km-long corridor scheme was successfully navigated through the lengthy planning process (Planfeststellungsverfahren) with approval granted in March 2020.

We are proud to contribute to a project that strengthens the friendship between Poland and Germany, stimulating growth and improving connections on local and an EU-wide levels.

“A winning concept that meets our architectural design expectations as well as being economical and sustainable.”

– Andreas Gollek, DB Netz AG